May 1, 2007

I just helped my best friend pick out the ring he is planning on giving to his girlfriend.


Apr 24, 2007

Apr 9, 2007

In case you haven't seen this yet...

Apr 4, 2007

I have had 3 dreams lately... or rather, I have remembered in detail 3 dreams. That is a big deal. I NEVER remember dreams. I can count on one hand dreams that I really remember from my whole life. The first 2 I thought had no meaning and were just funny and weird. Then I talked to my mentor about them briefly, laughing them off. She thought that they could have some signifigance if I remember them. It wasn't until the 3rd that I realized they do. All 3 had to do with love, romance, and marriage. Although they are not to be taken literally. I am praying through them and really asking God to speak to me.

Ironically, I am on a fast.

Mar 21, 2007

I don't like that you are that good looking.

You are driving me crazy!

Stop it!