Oct 16, 2000

You know how everything in your life is just going so well. I mean you couldn't be any happier. Or could you? See the truth is, not everything is so well. You know why? The One Thing. Maybe I'm the only one who deals with this. It's like that with me everytime. Whether it's something in my relationship with God, my relationship with God, a relationship with a guy, friends, or family, or I'm feeling lost, or alienated, it's always the one thing! I was talkin to one of my best friends not too long ago, and I told him, I'm sick of moving from one crisis to the next! It seems like as soon as the one thing gets resolved, here comes the next one thing. I keep wondering, ya know, why does this happen? Am I just some cursed chik, or something? My conclusion: No. I'm in fact a very blessed chik! I am a child of God! How much more blessed can I get? I hate the one thing. I hate it so much. But I realized what it is. I feel stupid for not realizing sooner. It's an attack from the devil. DUH! He wants to get me down, so I can't fulfill my purpose, and Gods will. He wants me to slack off. He knows that I hate the one thing. That's why he attacks me with it everytime. I mean it's something that just bugs me beyond belief. I get so frustrated. But I then I remember who I am. And who is in me. He's the reason I get through it. Without him, it wouldn't be the one thing. More like the 40 million things. I had a conversation with a friend the other day about this. When we were done we felt as if we had just done a promo for Seinfeld or Friends: "You know, it's always the one thing. My life can go perfectly, and I'll be soo happy. But then there's the one thing." "Yep, the one thing." "It never fails. It's always there. It never goes away. It's role changes, but it's always the one thing." "What is it with the one thing?" "I am so sik of this!" "It gets really old." "I don't want the one thing." "No one wants the one thing." selah "The One Thing."

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