Apr 23, 2004

I got a call the other day from a friend of mine, Leigh. I've known him for about 5 years I think... wow! Almost 6! I've been in the TAG Praise and Worship band with him, then we had out own outreach band as well. When I left for TBI that whole thing died, and I haven't done anything since music wise. I've missed it so much. So he calls, and says he's starting a new project, and wants me in it. Now I will share all the nice things he said (LOL): He said they need a strong female vocal, he doesn't know anyone who has a sound like I do, and that I have a good sense of good music. Ok, I'm done making myself smile now. LOL Anywayz. I AM SUPER EXCITED! I have been wanting this for so long! I miss singing, jamming with a band, and being on stage. This is gonna be so great! I'm very excited.

Work was fine today. There were some people who came in today, and they had british accents, which I always enjoy. Then when they were outside the store, they fired up a ciggarette... inside the mall!!! It was so funny, and so weird. We had to spray potpurri in the store, cuz it was everywhere. But it was so funny! I had never seen anyone do that! Can they do that over there? I don't know, but a computer can read your mind! For Real! Click Here!!

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