Jan 25, 2005

Wow... no nominations for Farenhiet 9/11 or The Passion of The Christ at the Academies this year... oh wait excuse me. Passion got a nod in makeup and original score... nothing though really about the content or acting ability in the film. LOL
In my years in drama, theatre and other acting pursuits I have found that Jesus is the hardest role to play (I had to play it twice (a beard is not fun to wear)). You have to show compassion and love, at the same time holding a strong, powerful role. You either can come off looking like an angry troublemaker or a pansy. It's tough. I thought Jim Caviezel did an excellent job portraying both sides of Jesus. I think it a great shame to pass up nominating him as well as nominating the movie itself. Besides the fact that I do believe whole heartedly in the basis of the movie, I believe great film achievement was made in the release of the movie. Tis a shame. I still think you rawk Mel.
In other news U2 announced their tour and sadly they are not coming anywhere near me, so I guess I will not be attending this tour. Stinks.


kristin said...

They are coming to Denver on April 16th. You can fly up here and go with me.

Jexas said...

hmmm... that IS something to think about. :)