Apr 4, 2007

I have had 3 dreams lately... or rather, I have remembered in detail 3 dreams. That is a big deal. I NEVER remember dreams. I can count on one hand dreams that I really remember from my whole life. The first 2 I thought had no meaning and were just funny and weird. Then I talked to my mentor about them briefly, laughing them off. She thought that they could have some signifigance if I remember them. It wasn't until the 3rd that I realized they do. All 3 had to do with love, romance, and marriage. Although they are not to be taken literally. I am praying through them and really asking God to speak to me.

Ironically, I am on a fast.

1 comment:

jenn_anthony said...

hi! it's been a while. just stopping by to see how you're doing. hope all is well. happy dreaming.