Mar 16, 2010

"You only get what you give..." been thinkin' about that tonight. I've been "giving" a lot of cynicism & doubt lately. Not exactly something I wanna be "getting". Looking over some areas of my life I wonder if things will change, get better, happen. A part of me thinks, why should they, why would they? And all of us have that part. But you have to be careful of entertaining that part too much. And I have been lately. I don't want to do that anymore. I wanna believe that things will get better, I won't always feel so indifferent towards my job, I will relish in the area of ministry I am in, I will again kiss someone & have someone kiss me w/ a passion that's almost frightening, I will quit worrying about whether or not my sister will finally get it together, I won't care when a song comes on the radio that use to break my heart, I will be content w/out being complacent... I will give.

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