Mar 22, 2005

So how is everyone doing? Well I hope. I've had a pretty kewl last week or so. Spring break was just what I needed. I had such a great time. I worked a lot, but outside of that I was able to relax, see my family, spend time with friends, and just have a good time. Highlights of Spring Break:
1.) I'm getting a nice refund from the government that is going towards my trip to Oregon this summer to see my best guy Christian.
2.) Got my nose pierced.
3.) I was able to hang out at my Mom's tea room with her and Sweet.
4.) Went to Portico (singles group @ Lakewood) with Jon.
5.) Saw Maroon 5 in concert and met Jesse (keys) and James (guitar) afterwards.
6.) Drank green beer
7.) Slept
So that's about it as far as Spring Break goes. I've been dealing with the fact that in my quest for spiritual change, betterment (is that a word), or acceleration, I have no one immediately around me who is there. It sucks and it's hard, cuz I get a lot of "oh you're doing that again"'s, or whatever. But it's all good. I'm not really down about it at all, it can just be annoying. But it's all good. God is good.

1 comment:

methy413 said...

I have no one immediately around me who is there...

It totally sucks but I think we all have to go through that at one time or another. It is a sure-fire way to get us to turn to Jesus before things get really tough (and they will if you stick with Him long... Philippians 1:28-30) and we get to the point where we will not live (spiritually or physically) if we don't cling to our Jesus.

love ya! =D