Oct 23, 2000

Yesterday while I was in church, the P&W team played the song "Dance Like David Danced", and I was having a ball! I danced and jumped with all my might, and was filled with an amazing joy. While the orchestra was jamming with the song, and people were dancing, the guy who was leading yelled out "You can live like this everyday!". I was thinking about that a little bit yesterday, and some more today. He was so right. We could all be living like this EVERYDAY! If we would actually listen to the word of God, and cast our burdens on him, and trust in him with all our hearts, like he tells us to. Sometimes I think we take those scriptures on more as a mean command, unintentionally. It's not that way though. It's all to benifit us. ALL to benefit US! We tend to live on our feelings, and the Lord knows this, I mean he is God ya know. I believe he put those scriptures in there becuz he knows that, and so wants us to let go of those feelings, and instead live by His Word! What a smart God. I hope to live like that everyday. I know I could if I want to. We all could. Everyday.

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