Apr 21, 2004

Went to work today and our DM (district manager) was there. His name is Ernie. He's a pretty kewl guy. He said he loved my smile and personality, but says I need to be as outgoing as I am, w/ the customers. I just try to be polite and not too loud, but I see what he's saying. Tim (McGraw) didn't win for the category he was up for at Flameworthy's which stinks, but his good pal Kenny (Chesney) won, so that's good. I'm hoping to find out about buddy passes tomorrow for Kansas City. I HAVE to go to these shows!! There's someone in Sherman, Tx offering me a ride, so I'd have to drive like 5 hours there, 5 hours back, so would need like $50 in gas. The tickets are $25 for both nights, then food for 3 days. Im hoping for the buddy passes cuz it would be more feesible money wise. SHOOT! I'd starve to see WD!

I'm going to a birthday paty this weekend for an old friend of mine. This should be pretty interesting. It's gonna be a reunion of sorts. All her old friends who never really talk anymore, but all still love eachother, hanging out, swimming, eating mex food, drinking margaritas. It will be fun I'm sure. The only thing I don't like was having to buy a bathing suit. It's just hard to find ones I like. Some of you know what I mean. LOL But that's ok. Well, that's all for tonight. Peace!

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