Feb 1, 2005

So this weekend was pretty fun. I went to Leighs and we wrote a song together. We have the music and melody line down. I'm still arranging the words, but I'm very excited at how it is turning out.
I made my family and Leigh watch Napoleon Dynamite... hehehe I have to share the joy! :) I also watched Alien Vs. Predator with the guys. I was gonna go home relatively early on Sunday night, just so I could have a long night of sleep, but they really wanted me to stay and watch the movie, so I did. It was pretty good. Not as gory or scary as I thought it would be, so that was a little disappointing.
That's all for now, I've got to be getting to my 2nd class in a second. I am looking forward to Superbowl big time. Gonna have a good time. To see an ad that will not be playing during Superbowl this year go to Budweiser.com

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