Jan 23, 2001

I'm so nervous about changing my hair color. I've had it Red for almost 5 years. And Im thinking about gradually going back to my natural color (a light brown w/ a few redish highlights) just to see what it would be like now. But this is like my RED hair. I dunno, maybe I'm just being a big baby about it. I can always go back to it, if I want to. But It's soooo nerve wrecking to me. I mean I LOVE my hair. I always like doing new hairstyles with it, and stuff. But the color has always been RED. And the thought of not having it is so weird! I was thinking a few weeks ago, Oh I'll just go back to the red if I don't like it, but now that I'm closer to the day (Friday afternoon), I'm like REALLY nervous and not so sure if I wanna do it. I could always do the brown next time I dye it, but I dunno. I'm so nervous! I know this seems like a REALLY stupid thing to be nervous about, but if I'm not comfortable with how I look, not how anyone else thinks I look, then I'm so blah! If anyone has any suggestions, let me know here. If you don't even know what I look like at all, but do wanna know, just ask to see a picture, and I'll send it to you, since I dont have one up yet. Just a few suggestions might help me get to a decision quiker.

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