Jan 3, 2005

Ok so one of my New Years Resolutions is to blog more. So here I am. It was a great year! A lot of blessings! Kinda a quick run down...

January- Finished my job at the fireworks stand, opened my first bank account, and became a real grown up. LOL My best friend Christian came down from Oregon and we went to Summit together. Awesome times. Oh and I got my first cell phone!
February- Gave the truck back to my Mom, and got my own car paid for by ME! Went to find a job and got one at a clothing store in the mall where I started in March.
March- Started my job. Started REALLY praying about finding another church after having nagging thoughts for about 3 months. Saw Kenny Chesney and John Mayer in concert at the Rodeo.
April- Saw Tim McGraw w/ my sister after my girl Celeste bought me tickets to go. I also saw Waterdeep and had the best weekend with a bunch of great friends. Me and Leigh decided to start a band together again.
May- Turned 21, and left my church to attend a different one. My Dad and Shannon go there.
June- Worked, worked and worked some more.
July- Still working, went and saw Maroon5 and John Mayer- AWESOME concert.
August- Got ready to start college. Nerve-wracking, but exciting. Band had our first gig. That was kewl.
September- Started school, got more hours at work... this was a blurry month.
October- More hours at work, school was stressin me out, had a gig at my church's youth group that went awesome, and saw an ex b/f. He wanted to get back together (AGAIN!), but my common sense over ruled my heart and emotions and told him no.
November- MORE hours at work, more school work. Thanksgiving was awesome.
December- Finished my first semester, worked a lot. Christmas ruled, New Years rawked, and now here I am.

As I said blogging more is my New years resolutions. I wanna be able to look back years from now and see how I've grown, how god has moved, and of course, the nostalgia is hard to resist! :)

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