Jan 24, 2005

You ever notice how there are so many books out that are Christian and have nothing to do with Jesus? Ok, I know what you're thinking... I'm about to talk about how something is defined as Christian when the words Jesus, God, Bible, a scripture or some other form of Christianese is in it... absolutely not. In fact I hate that thinking. It's ridiculous. I believe the Lord looks at the heart. Something I've noticed though is that so many things are being associated with a purpose, a creed, a calling. A few months ago I realized I was getting so caught up in a calling I was forgetting the one who had called me. Everything had become associated to what God had made me for, not for God himself. So that my life would go smooth, not so that I could please my Father with my life.
I don't want to do what God has called me to do because it's the right thing to do, because I want to look good to others around me, because I'm afraid of the outcome if I don't, or any other lame excuse. I want to do what God has called me to do simply because Jesus called and I will obey. Simply because I love Him.

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