Jan 5, 2005

Tonight, Alias began it's 4th season and began it with quite a bang! I loved it. I spent the day with my best friend, Sweet, watching old seasons and catching her up on what's going on (quite a task) because she was interested in the show. She's into J.J. Abrams' other show Lost. I watched some tonight and bits and peices other times and I just can't seem to get past that there might be a "monster" or "robot" on the deserted island... sorry.
I downloaded the program Hello by Picasa for hosting pictures and have recieved NO help from their website for the problem I'm having with it. I keep getting a blank page when I go to send a picture to bloggerbot that says "a hello embedded error has occured". If you have any idea how to fix this, PLEASE let me know. Or if you know of a better way to go for picture hosting, give me a holla.
What do you think of the new template? I figured I needed something new... I don't know that I like the way the side bar is set up, but I'm just afraid I'll try to switch it around and just screw it up. Anywayz, it's better than having a halfway missing title, which I'm thinking about changing too.

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